January 27, 2011

*Computer Hog Alert*

Marshall's online grad school semester just began. Boo. Not only does this mean less time with him during our evenings after Laney goes to bed, but also that I'm often going to be booted off the computer. For some reason, Marshall thinks that his school work is more important than my blogging (can you imagine?). So I just wanted to let you know that the week 18 tummy picture, a pregnancy update, a tour of the newly decorated playroom, and Laney pics and videos are on the way, but not right this second. Here's a few thoughts I'll end on before the computer gets taken out of my hands quite literally:

-I'm SO proud of Marshall. He is so motivated and responsible and such a great provider. He stays up at night to work on grad school work AFTER a full day of working, being a very involved Daddy, and waiting hand-and-foot on a pregnant wife. And he has a great attitude about it all. I want to be like him when I grow up.

-I can't stop wanting to cut all my hair off right after I finally got it grown out long. Typical.

-I'm really enjoying teaching right now. We're in a really fun chapter.

-I can't wait to see Natalie next weekend!


Nat said...

Cant wait to see you either!!! PS Jeff lied... He is no longer coming to Abilene! Tell Marsh to discuss this with him ha!

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