October 14, 2012


God has really been working on my heart lately. I know this is going to sound ultra-dramatic, but I actually feel like my soul has just been in a state of turmoil recently. I can't sit still, can't relax, can't feel normal, and can't decide why. It has to be the Holy Spirit working on me.

So I'm trying to be faithful and soak up this season. I've been searching scriptures and getting so enthralled that I can't put the Bible down. And, guys, I rarely feel like that. Bible study is usually a pretty big snoozer for me, unfortunately. So I'm thankful for this time of clarity that He's given me.

Matthew 19:23-24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

That hits me hard. Like most young adults I know, I would swear I'm not at all wealthy and have some off-brand toilet paper and Dollar Store sunglasses to prove it. But, in all reality, I am wealthy. We all are. All my needs are met and most of my wants are, too. I have so much that would be hard to give up. And I'm not just talking material things. Think relationships, family, opportunities, plans. I have plenty of "wealth" that can fill my life up and distract me from the main point: a real relationship with Jesus.

I'm incredibly thankful that He still tugs my heart. Again and again.

But just in case you only came here for pictures, here's a little bit of our life lately. Mundanely beautiful:


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