August 13, 2012

Product Review: { PACI CLIPS }

VERDICT: Buy them! Buy 1000 of them.

Ok, I guess you will just need 500 since you're probably not having twins. But, seriously, these things are life savers. They come in a variety of price ranges. I have some really pretty (I mean handsome) ones that I love and also some really plain ones that work just fine, too. If you're crafty, you can even make them. My first baby never took a pacifier. So pacis were a new adventure for me with the twins. Paci, binky, bobo, plug. No matter what you call it, that thing is important. And you're going to want to have easy access to it.

I got 2 pacifier clips at my baby shower for the boys. I hadn't even registered for them! And I didn't realize how essential they were until the boys were about 6 months old. I swear I picked pacis up off the floor, washed them, and put them back in mouths 50 times a day. I guess I just thought that's what everybody did. Then one day it clicked:

Didn't I get something that would make this situation less awful? YES. The paci clips!

I went and dug them out of the bottom of the closet and I don't know if a day has gone by since that P & B haven't been "clipped up."

I was skeptical at first because I thought this would make the boys more dependent on their pacis. On the contrary, though, I think they have them in their mouths LESS when they're clipped onto their shirts. It's a way for them to carry the pacis around and know they can have them at any time without  having to have it in their mouth for safe keeping. Before the clips, they sucked on them all the time because they knew it would be left somewhere if they didn't "hold onto it."

Sure, they stretch out the boys' shirts sometimes, but it's worth it to me. Mine are getting so worn out now that I'm even thinking about cutting the hardware out of them and sewing a new "strap" on them with some spare ribbon I have. Always a project in the making...

We probably only have about six more months of these clips, though. Then we'll start the process of making the pacis go bye-bye (gasp).


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