August 4, 2012


I love when I'm out in public with the boys and random people point at us and say to their shopping buddy, "Look! Twins!" It always catches me off guard. You think I'd get used to it, but this is just my every day life. I don't go around being overly aware of the fact that I have two babies instead of one. It feels normal to me's my life. Ha. I'm sure I would do the same exact thing, though, if I ran across triplets or quadruplets.

Don't get me wrong. It doesn't make me mad or hurt my feelings or anything like that. The people who do it are always smiling and sometimes even look like they might just come right on over to eat my little duo up. Or snatch them up (yikes). It's just awkward. I mean, how am I supposed to respond to that? Should I wave? Should I say something to them even though they aren't speaking to me? Should I keep walking?

Maybe I'll just start charging admission so everybody can "STEP RIGHT UP and SEE THE TWIN BABIES!" :)


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