March 6, 2013


Speaking of my cup running over with blessings, here's another one. Marsh and I got to go to Mexico 2 weeks ago for FOUR DAYS! And what made it even better was that most of my favorite people in the world were there, too. It was uh-mazing. I hadn't ever been away from the kids for more than a night before this, so by the time we were flying back home, I was physically ACHING to kiss those three messy faces.

But I won't lie, it was a nice break.

We'd been looking forward to this since last year when my good, long-time friend Kate got engaged to Walt (aka Crazy Dub), the awesome guy she met while working in DC. That's right; he's new to the crew and already has a nickname. He wastes no time. And by "looking forward to this," I mean my friends and I had been obnoxiously texting about it and hash tagging everything possible #Mexico2013 for like 6 months.

And it lived up to everything I hoped it would be. Kate looked gorgeous while marrying the man of her dreams, I spent my days sipping frozen margaritas with my very best friends (minus a few who we're greatly missed), and there were no dirty diapers in sight. I even had time to reteach myself how to straighten my hair and apply make up.

Here we are in all our glory.


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