February 8, 2011

Week 20

I'm finally 20 weeks along! Half way there! Well, actually, I better be more than half way there considering that I shouldn't go the full 40 weeks. My doc promises he won't let me go past week 37 (if I make it that long). So this is more like the "20 weeks down, 17 weeks to go" point of my pregnancy. Still exciting. :)

And can you say "OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT TUMMY!?" I'm feeling SO pregnant. I wasn't feeling this pregnant with Laney until about month 6. Wow. I just can't even believe my eyes when I look at this picture. Since I don't get this wonderful side view of myself many times during the day, it's even a shock to me. The good news is that everything is looking great, the blood clot is getting smaller, and I didn't even have to go in to see my doctor this week. Our next appointment is with the maternal medicine specialist next Tuesday. And that's when we get to find out the gender of the twins for sure! FINALLY!! Soooo excited. We have a sneaking suspicion that they are two little identical boys. We shall see!

Now here are all the previous tummy pics for comparison's sake:

This next one is a very special picture. I'm pretty positive that it is the first one taken of just Marshall and me since Laney was born. Ha. BC (before children), you take pics of just you and your hubby all the time! Once those babies start coming along, though, it just doesn't happen. We had a little surprise date night this past Saturday and went to Perini's Steakhouse. I really need to wear this shirt more. It's way more flattering than the red one that I wore the next day to take the "week 20" picture in. :)


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