November 2, 2012

She's 3!

Laney Bug, Laney Lou, Laney Girl, Pumpkin Butt. It doesn't matter what you call her...she's 3! She has been for a few days now, actually.

I. Can't. Believe it.


Here are her answers to her very first Birthday Questionnaire that we did on her actual birthday. She took this little interview very seriously. Some of these answers absolutely crack me up! I can't wait to see how they change through the years!

1. What is your favorite color? pink & purple

2. What is your favorite toy? my new truck

3. What is your favorite fruit? popsicles (oranges were a close 2nd)

4. What is your favorite TV show? Little Einsteins

5. What is your favorite thing to eat at lunch? cheese sticks & chicken nuggets

6. What is your favorite outfit? a party dress

7. What is your favorite game? Dora (on the iPad)

8. What is your favorite snack? marshmallows

9. What is your favorite animal? an elephant

10. What is your favorite song? "my song" (Peng! 33 by Iron & Wine)

11. What is your favorite book? my Bible

12. Who is your best friend? MyLeigh

13. What is your favorite cereal? cherry (haha?)

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play house

15. What is your favorite drink? Coke

16. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my lamb & bears

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? a "brepast" bar

19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? hotdogs on the fire

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Abby Cadabby


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