May 22, 2010

Boogers & Tears

I usually only write about the happy things, but that's just not real life. The point of this blog is to give you a glimpse into our lives and, unfortunately, they aren't alway full of smiles and laughs. There are sad things, too, and these are two of the saddest things any parent can face. Boogers mean sickness and tears mean sadness. And we've had an abundance of both boogers and tears in the Morris household over the past few days. This is the third major cold Laney has had, and it's starting to wear on us. I so wish that I could put a Kleenex up to her face and say, "Blow," but it just doesn't work that way with a 7-month-old. Instead, she suffers through the day (and all through the night) barely being able to breathe without snorting and sniffing. There's no consoling her and no comforting her. I have no idea if her throat is sore, if her head hurts, if her nose is raw, or if she's feeling hot or cold. All I know is that she's crying and I can't comfort her. It's too sad to take. Hopefully Laney's cold will clear up soon. I can't wait to see her smile again.

On a brighter note, I have only FOUR MORE DAYS of school left! I can hardly believe it. It seems too good to be true that the job I love also allows me to have so much time off. Teaching is the best of both worlds for me. I get to have a career that I love, in an atmosphere that I love, with people that I love, but also have time where I can just do nothing but be Mommy. I love the fact that I'll have a start and a finish to each work year, and will always be able to look forward to a summer vacation, just like I did as a kid. If you need me come next weekend, I'll be busy doing nothing but hanging out with the most precious baby girl in the world (who will hopefully be feeling much better by then).


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am not very good at this posting stuff. I removed my post instead of submitting it hahahaha. All I wanted to say is that I am so very proud of the wonderful mom you are. You can see how much Laney loves you when she looks at you with that precious smile. Enjoy these special time...even the boogers and tears. They go by so fast!! I love you so much!

Nat said...

Agreed you and Marsh do a wonderful job with Nuggs! Loved seeing her precious smile and listening to her little sniffles last night! I too am looking forward to this long weekend with you guys! Love you all!

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