I just finished sewing a bow tie order that was looking SO good. I was thinking the whole time, "This may be my best one yet!" Then I noticed I had sewn something on backwards at the very end that couldn't be corrected. Darn that Law & Order for distracting me! Anyways, I don't think I can deal with starting all over right now without crying, so I'm taking a break to blog. HA!
I never write down the cute things that my kids do and say because I just can't imagine that I could ever forget it. But I've been discovering lately that I have a really terrible long-term memory. For instance, my mom and I randomly got on the topic of high school homecomings the other day. The conversation went something like this (NOTE: names have been changed to protect the innocent...or guilty...whichever):
Me: "I honestly don't really remember having class wars in high school."
Mom: "Seriously? You're telling me you don't even remember that homecoming when you and your friends spent the night at Sally's house and ended up in a huge war with the girls a year older? And Jane launched a frozen canteloupe at you and bruised the entire left side of your body for a week. And somebody's dad ended up chasing people off the property with a gun in hand. None of that?"
Me: "No."
You think I'd remember something that traumatic, right! Needless to say, I should probably start documenting this stuff. So here's a snapshot in time.
-loves clothes; especially any "party dress"
-still calls breakfast "brepast"
-finds a way to say "actually" or "definitely" in every sentence
-has a huge vocabulary
-is a social butterfly
-gets in trouble at school more than I'd like
-always wants to be the bad guy when playing
-loves Spongebob Squarepants (I know...I'm an awful parent)
-can't tell her brothers apart
-doesn't know why you would ever need/want to tell them apart
-scolds anybody who is mean to those brothers
The Boys
-love turning lights on/off
-love opening/shutting the garage door
-love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-love Barney
-say TAIN CHUUU (thank you) all the time
-think Laney is the coolest human ever
-love Mother's Day Out
-find a slide to go down anywhere we are
-do not like diaper changes
-love granola bars
-give kisses with mouths opened wide
-kiss eachother when they fall down
-fight quite a bit
Parker (I list him first because he's a minute older. It's only fair.)
-thinks the more blankets you have the happier you are
-HATES having his face wiped
-loves carrots
-holds Laney's hand when going places
-signs "please" so cute and vigorously
-dances a lot and has great rhythm
-wants me to carry him everywhere
-is sensitive and sometime very serious
-always wants to hold mommy's hand when going places
-rarely dances (so it's adorable when he does!)
-is a very good eater of most things
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