December 18, 2013

Playin' Catch Up

Tap tap tap. Is this thing on? Hello? I'll just be honest with you. The perfectionist in me cringes every time I think about this ole blog and urges me to go ahead and delete the whole darn thing. The mommy in me, on the other hand, thinks, "Hey, at least you've got some stuff on there." I'm gonna go with the mommy Melanie.

So, since it's been a few centuries since I've written, here's some catch up on the rest of our summer and fall of 2013:

We wore a lotta matching outfits.

 We got to be a flower girl again and ride down the isle in a precious pink car.
That's right. A car.

 We figured out that ball caps are the coolest things ever.

We wore speedos all summer because we're too young to know we should refuse.

We laughed at our brothers. A lot.

We started our second year of preschool with Mrs. Neves as our teacher.

We dressed up as Cinderella and her mice for Halloween. Parker was Gus Gus.

 We had our first snow day and played outside for a fifth of the time it took us
to get bundled up to go outside. Totally worth it.

Ok. Now we're almost all caught up. And just in time for 2014!


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