March 21, 2013

Style Crisis

OK that title, including the word "crisis," is a bit dramatic. Everything is quite fine over here. And maybe that's the problem.

Every time things get good and relatively easy, I start looking around my house and feeling unsatisfied. It's like my psyche knows to not even go there when there are real trials and tribulations that need my full attention. But when things are good, it goes there. Often.

I'm realizing that I'm quite random when it comes to home decor. And I'm OK with that. For now. I don't think I really know what I want our house to look like. When Marsh and I married, it was such a whirlwind. Graduating college, moving, getting pregnant right away, moving again, living with our parents for stents, living with Janson for stents (ha), starting a teaching job while being 6 months pregnant, leaving my teaching job to be a full-time mom to 3 kids under the age of Home decor took a back seat. Not even a back seat. It's more like it got thrown out the car all together. We basically just ran to Dillards or Bed Bath & Beyond in the spare seconds of our sanity and picked up a bunch of stuff to fill up our home as fast as possible. It's not bad stuff. It's just not me at all. So now I'm working on phasing it out (while also being on a tight budget).

The problem is, I'm not really confident I know what I want to replace these phased out items with. I want a house like Jones Design Company, but more color. Industrial undertones, but soft and frilly, too. Oh ya...and some mid century modern stuff. Ya confused yet? Because I sure am. I can't decide which of these styles I can seamlessly mix and which will just look wrong together. Sigh. #WhiteGirlProblems, right?

So I'm starting with something that I know I want to do. Paint these cabinets. These perfectly new and functional cabinets that have nothing wrong with them (cue Marshall's dirty look), but everything wrong with them.

They're so...builder's grade. And boring. I'm hoping that throwing some white on them will give the kitchen just the shockingly refreshing change I need. Can I even hope that they'll look as good as Jones Design Company's? I think I'll just stick with hoping that I don't totally botch them up. I'm nervous!

More details to come soon :)


hospitality design firms said...

Really nice kitchen..i like it..Thanks for sharing...

Nat said...

Can't wait to see the finished look!!!

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