But we had a great turn-out and it was a blast to see Laney interact with all her friends! She. had. so. much. fun. This party has been a long time coming for her. Since her birthday is so close to Halloween, we always run into the question of when to have her party. I didn't get my act together to plan it for the weekend before Halloween, so we did it the weekend after. So, she's been looking forward to this party for seriously like 3 weeks, now, which to a 3-year-old seems like a thousand years!
It's so hard for little ones to understand this birthday party stuff, especially when it's a party for somebody else. Before each party we attend, I have a nightmare of Laney bursting into tears when she can't blow out the candles and uncontrollably ripping open all of some other kid's presents while I stand in the corner dying of embarrassment. So, I always ask her the same questions when we're in the car on the way there: Whose party is this? {She answers} Who are we going to sing happy birthday to? {She answers} Who gets to open all the presents? {She answers}
On the way to her party that day, though, she got so excited and said, "Mommy! Today I'm gonna blow out the candles and I'm gonna open all the presents and everybody is gonna sing happy birthday to ME!" So precious!
We had tons of decorations and balloons and, of course, homemade Mickey & Minnie ears for everybody! {A big thanks to Grandmama for taking some long shifts with that glue gun.}
Just like anything that involves 3-year-olds, it was chaos. Wonderful, wonderful chaos. I'll miss this chaos dearly when it passes. (Check out the dad in the back wearing Mickey ears. Yesss.)

And THE best friend, MyLeigh, got to come play! We don't see her much anymore because she goes to Laney's old school. So, anytime they see each other, they're attached at the hip!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANEY LOU! I'm so so proud of you for how you've handled all that's been thrown at you in your 3 short years of life. You're the most wonderful daughter, the most loving big sister, and the smartest little girl in the world! YOU ARE LOVED MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!
oh my. so cute!! i'm sad we had to miss it, it looks like laney had fun though. im just now catching up after ages--- halloween costumes are killin me too! way to go supermom.
So glad the party went well! You did great as always Mel! Can't wait to see you all next week! Love!
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