Hello there. I haven't forgotten about you. It's always this time of year that I get busy, stop blogging and get so behind that I don't even want to start back up. So I'm just here to say hi.
With two 18-month-olds around, we haven't done much decorating. Our tree is up but bare. No snow globes are out. We're lucky the stockings haven't already been ripped off the mantle. But what a fun Christmas it will be! We can't wait to spend time with family, exchange gifts, and experience the "magic" with our little ones. What I'm looking forward to most is taking our kids to the Christmas Eve candle light service at our church. We're getting to experience the beginnings of teaching them about a Savior that was born long ago, died for them, and is integrally important to their current lives. It's special. And important. And wonderful. What a precious gift.
Oh and we already saw Santa while we were in Dallas at the Galleria. Laney told him that she wanted "a pink car, a purple airplane, and a REAL doctor's kit." She has not wavered in these requests. Needless to say, I'm still on the hunt for a purple airplane. I'm starting to think I may have to involve some spray paint.
Check out these pictures. Priceless.
December 21, 2012
November 26, 2012
Best Friends
How amazing would it be to get to grow up with your best friend right by your side every single day?
November 16, 2012
Fall Photos
Each year my side of the family has pictures made in November. We use the same photographer that shot our engagements and wedding. She's great. On the way there, I told my mom I thought this year would be easier than last year and the year before. Five minutes into the shoot, we looked at eachother and started cracking up. It was sooo chaotic. Getting two 18-month-olds and a 3-year-old to sit still and look in the same direction at the same time is just about impossible. Tammy captured some great shots, nonetheless. We're up on her photography blog. Go take a look!
Tammy Marcelain's Photography Blog
Tammy Marcelain's Photography Blog
November 4, 2012
Put on your ears, It's time for CHEERS!
We had Laney's birthday party this Saturday at the kid's area of the Grace Museum. It was Mickey & Minnie themed (we watch a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse around here) and turned out so great! Since big girl is growing up and actually has friends to invite to a party, it's no longer an adult occassion. I'll admit, it was a little weird that I didn't invite all my friends from out of town. Things are a-changing.
But we had a great turn-out and it was a blast to see Laney interact with all her friends! She. had. so. much. fun. This party has been a long time coming for her. Since her birthday is so close to Halloween, we always run into the question of when to have her party. I didn't get my act together to plan it for the weekend before Halloween, so we did it the weekend after. So, she's been looking forward to this party for seriously like 3 weeks, now, which to a 3-year-old seems like a thousand years!
It's so hard for little ones to understand this birthday party stuff, especially when it's a party for somebody else. Before each party we attend, I have a nightmare of Laney bursting into tears when she can't blow out the candles and uncontrollably ripping open all of some other kid's presents while I stand in the corner dying of embarrassment. So, I always ask her the same questions when we're in the car on the way there: Whose party is this? {She answers} Who are we going to sing happy birthday to? {She answers} Who gets to open all the presents? {She answers}
On the way to her party that day, though, she got so excited and said, "Mommy! Today I'm gonna blow out the candles and I'm gonna open all the presents and everybody is gonna sing happy birthday to ME!" So precious!
We had tons of decorations and balloons and, of course, homemade Mickey & Minnie ears for everybody! {A big thanks to Grandmama for taking some long shifts with that glue gun.}
Also, I've always wanted to make a birthday cake, so against my better judgement, I stayed up until 2 AM making one. I'm so glad I finally did it, but can't say I'll be opening a bakery anytime soon.
Just like anything that involves 3-year-olds, it was chaos. Wonderful, wonderful chaos. I'll miss this chaos dearly when it passes. (Check out the dad in the back wearing Mickey ears. Yesss.)

And THE best friend, MyLeigh, got to come play! We don't see her much anymore because she goes to Laney's old school. So, anytime they see each other, they're attached at the hip!
But we had a great turn-out and it was a blast to see Laney interact with all her friends! She. had. so. much. fun. This party has been a long time coming for her. Since her birthday is so close to Halloween, we always run into the question of when to have her party. I didn't get my act together to plan it for the weekend before Halloween, so we did it the weekend after. So, she's been looking forward to this party for seriously like 3 weeks, now, which to a 3-year-old seems like a thousand years!
It's so hard for little ones to understand this birthday party stuff, especially when it's a party for somebody else. Before each party we attend, I have a nightmare of Laney bursting into tears when she can't blow out the candles and uncontrollably ripping open all of some other kid's presents while I stand in the corner dying of embarrassment. So, I always ask her the same questions when we're in the car on the way there: Whose party is this? {She answers} Who are we going to sing happy birthday to? {She answers} Who gets to open all the presents? {She answers}
On the way to her party that day, though, she got so excited and said, "Mommy! Today I'm gonna blow out the candles and I'm gonna open all the presents and everybody is gonna sing happy birthday to ME!" So precious!
We had tons of decorations and balloons and, of course, homemade Mickey & Minnie ears for everybody! {A big thanks to Grandmama for taking some long shifts with that glue gun.}
Just like anything that involves 3-year-olds, it was chaos. Wonderful, wonderful chaos. I'll miss this chaos dearly when it passes. (Check out the dad in the back wearing Mickey ears. Yesss.)

And THE best friend, MyLeigh, got to come play! We don't see her much anymore because she goes to Laney's old school. So, anytime they see each other, they're attached at the hip!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANEY LOU! I'm so so proud of you for how you've handled all that's been thrown at you in your 3 short years of life. You're the most wonderful daughter, the most loving big sister, and the smartest little girl in the world! YOU ARE LOVED MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!
November 2, 2012
Trick-or-Treat 2012 was a success! This was the first year that it was actually fun. I'm pretty sure Laney thought it was the best night of her life.
But we all had a BLAST! There's even talk of a decorated trailer complete with lights, music, and lots of friends for next year. Having kids makes the holidays so much fun. The magic has returned!
Of course, a good picture of them all together was far too much to ask. Laney tried.
But we all had a BLAST! There's even talk of a decorated trailer complete with lights, music, and lots of friends for next year. Having kids makes the holidays so much fun. The magic has returned!
She's 3!
Laney Bug, Laney Lou, Laney Girl, Pumpkin Butt. It doesn't matter what you call her...she's 3! She has been for a few days now, actually.
I. Can't. Believe it.
Here are her answers to her very first Birthday Questionnaire that we did on her actual birthday. She took this little interview very seriously. Some of these answers absolutely crack me up! I can't wait to see how they change through the years!
1. What is your favorite color? pink & purple
2. What is your favorite toy? my new truck
3. What is your favorite fruit? popsicles (oranges were a close 2nd)
4. What is your favorite TV show? Little Einsteins
5. What is your favorite thing to eat at lunch? cheese sticks & chicken nuggets
6. What is your favorite outfit? a party dress
7. What is your favorite game? Dora (on the iPad)
8. What is your favorite snack? marshmallows
9. What is your favorite animal? an elephant
10. What is your favorite song? "my song" (Peng! 33 by Iron & Wine)
11. What is your favorite book? my Bible
12. Who is your best friend? MyLeigh
13. What is your favorite cereal? cherry (haha?)
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play house
15. What is your favorite drink? Coke
16. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my lamb & bears
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? a "brepast" bar
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? hotdogs on the fire
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Abby Cadabby
October 29, 2012
Handmade Halloween
I love Halloween. Cute costumes, trick-or-treating, and the overall beginning of "the holidays." Every other time of year, I end up talking myself out of gimmicky outfits and costume pictures of the kids. For Halloween, though, we go all out! I feel like it's such a fun part of being little.
This year, my crew is going as Sesame Street characters. I decided on this because of a special request from a special little girl to be Abby Cadabby. For now, at least, I can default the boys to whatever matches Laney's costume. I'm doing this while I can, because I know before too long they'll insist on being a cheerleader, a ninja turtle, and a zombie. Or some other similar combination that doesn't coordinate at all. And I guess I'll have to let them. Sigh.
But back to now. I'm so excited about this little Halloween trio! And since I have this new love for crochet, I decided to make some Elmo and Cookie Monster hats using this pattern. They were way cheap to make. {It shouldn't be hard for you to guess which little chunky monkey is going to be Cookie Monster!} I planned on making the Abby Cadabby one, too, but chickened out last minute and ordered it from the lady who sells the patterns. It looked too difficult for my beginner skills. After seeing it in real life, though, I should have gone for it. Oh, and I also made a tutu for the Abby costume. It's the first tutu I've ever made, but it was SO EASY and fun to make.
I'm completely anticipating that the kids will not cooperate or sit still for a picture once they're all dressed up, so I'm just going to show you the hats beforehand. On some footballs. Because they can't run away.
Our church asked us to seriously consider whether or not our families should participate in this holiday considering its roots in the occult (in a flyer, not like personally contacted our specific family haha). And I completely understand where the church leadership is coming from on this. I absolutely believe in satan and demons and spiritual warfare. I can really see both sides of this issue. It's certainly something I'll think about and pray about as our kids get older!
October 26, 2012
I haven't been doing much crafting lately (just waiting for that craft urge to strike again). I did make some animal Olliblocks the other day, though, and Laney loves them. You just match and stack the faces of the blocks to make little animals and people. I never thought she would go so crazy over something so small. I really only made them because I saw them on Pinterest and thought they would be fun for me to make, but when I gave them to her, she freaked. She now spends a lot of the day hiding them from her brothers (who aren't even trying to get them...ha).
They were super easy, quick, and cheap to make. And they have to be educational in some way, right? You just print them, cut them, and paste them. I'm planning on buying the other two files and making some girl and boy ones for Laney to give her class for Christmas. I hope they love them as much as Bug does!
They were super easy, quick, and cheap to make. And they have to be educational in some way, right? You just print them, cut them, and paste them. I'm planning on buying the other two files and making some girl and boy ones for Laney to give her class for Christmas. I hope they love them as much as Bug does!
October 21, 2012
Penny Lane
One of our sweet kitty cats, Penny, was hit by a car last night and passed away. We are heart broken! She was a little over 4 years old. Luckily, a neighbor saw it happen and told Marshall in time for him to hold her and talk to her before she passed. All of our kids love our kitty cats (especially Laney). She was worried about us last night because we were so sad, so we decided to go ahead and tell her that we were crying because we wouldn't get to see Penny anymore. We told her Penny went to Heaven. This morning, she woke up and asked, "Mommy are you happy now? Did Penny come back yet?!" She looked around for her for a little bit. Jack (our other cat) has also been looking around for her and meowing. Breaks my heart!!!
It's crazy how pets can hold such a huge place in a family. Penny loved being around people and was so incredibly patient with our babies. She let them poke her, pull her tail and whiskers, hold her, and mess with her all the time (I think she knew that was their way of loving on her). So unlike a cat! We're already missing our little party girl, Penny! I don't think I can do this pet thing again. It's too sad when they go!
Nicknames: Penny Poo, Peeny Deeny, Penny Pie, Peener Weener, Peeeeeeeny
It's crazy how pets can hold such a huge place in a family. Penny loved being around people and was so incredibly patient with our babies. She let them poke her, pull her tail and whiskers, hold her, and mess with her all the time (I think she knew that was their way of loving on her). So unlike a cat! We're already missing our little party girl, Penny! I don't think I can do this pet thing again. It's too sad when they go!
Nicknames: Penny Poo, Peeny Deeny, Penny Pie, Peener Weener, Peeeeeeeny
October 19, 2012
Two 1st Hair Cuts
This little duo has been in need of a first hair cut for a while, now. But, you see, THEY'RE MY LAST BABIES! I've been trying to delay this milestone and convince myself that they're not that big boy, yet. My denial has failed to keep their soft little dirty blonde tresses from growing down over their eyes, though. Shucks. I finally gave in and we all loaded up and headed to Cool Cuts for Kids. I thought the cars & TV's would help make it fun for them. They didn't.
Parker went first. Poor baby:
Then Brooks bravely took the seat. It didn't take long for him to decide it was awful, as well:
Both boys survived the scissors and shears, though, and are now looking way too much like little boys and not very much like babies anymore at all (can you hear my mom sobs through the screen?). Of course, I can't get them to stay in one place long enough to take a good picture of their new do's. But here's an action shot of the handsome little men post haircut:
October 16, 2012
Curiouser & Curiouser
On Saturday we went to the National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature "Storybook Ball" fundraiser. We sat at the bank table with some friends we really enjoy and also got to know some new people.
It was fun. I fear I may have had a little too much fun! I don't get out much. Stay-at-Home mom problems.
Marsh and I dressed as Alice & the Mad Hatter. It was really dark and I only had my phone camera (rookie mistake).
It was fun. I fear I may have had a little too much fun! I don't get out much. Stay-at-Home mom problems.
Marsh and I dressed as Alice & the Mad Hatter. It was really dark and I only had my phone camera (rookie mistake).
October 15, 2012
Product Review: { TINY TOMS }
Verdict: Excellent shoes for baby!
All my kids wear Tiny TOMS and love them. They're actually the only thing the boys will keep on. Laney has seriously owned about 10 pair already. As soon as she outgrows a pair, we get some more. They aren't the cheapest, but are comfortable to walk in, break in quickly, and are easy for babies to learn to take on and off by themselves. They also go with almost everything. In my opinion they're worth the price ten times over. You can definitely get a lot of use out of them. I'd rather spend a little more for some shoes I know will work than buy 2 or 3 pairs of cheaper ones that may be a bust.
The fact that they have no arch support or extra bulk makes them a great shoe for beginner walkers, too. If you've ever worn adult TOMS, you know that they're almost like being barefoot.
The fact that they have no arch support or extra bulk makes them a great shoe for beginner walkers, too. If you've ever worn adult TOMS, you know that they're almost like being barefoot.
Most stores I've been to only carry a small selection of the Tiny sizes, so we order them online. Nordstrom, Ebay and the TOMS website are where I've ordered from the most.
October 14, 2012
God has really been working on my heart lately. I know this is going to sound ultra-dramatic, but I actually feel like my soul has just been in a state of turmoil recently. I can't sit still, can't relax, can't feel normal, and can't decide why. It has to be the Holy Spirit working on me.
So I'm trying to be faithful and soak up this season. I've been searching scriptures and getting so enthralled that I can't put the Bible down. And, guys, I rarely feel like that. Bible study is usually a pretty big snoozer for me, unfortunately. So I'm thankful for this time of clarity that He's given me.
Matthew 19:23-24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
That hits me hard. Like most young adults I know, I would swear I'm not at all wealthy and have some off-brand toilet paper and Dollar Store sunglasses to prove it. But, in all reality, I am wealthy. We all are. All my needs are met and most of my wants are, too. I have so much that would be hard to give up. And I'm not just talking material things. Think relationships, family, opportunities, plans. I have plenty of "wealth" that can fill my life up and distract me from the main point: a real relationship with Jesus.
I'm incredibly thankful that He still tugs my heart. Again and again.
But just in case you only came here for pictures, here's a little bit of our life lately. Mundanely beautiful:
October 7, 2012
Product Review: { Pee Pee Teepees }
Verdict: Not Needed.
After growing up with no brothers and having a baby girl first, I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't know what to do with little boys. And I can still remember those first few diaper changes with the twins. Pee EVERYWHERE. They peed on me. They peed on Marshall. They peed in a rainbow onto the floor. One of them (can't remember which) even managed to pee on a nearby iPod. It's quite different from those little girl tinkles. Luckily it doesn't happen like that for very long (mine only did this for a few weeks).
So I can see why somebody decided to invent these cute little Pee Pee Teepees. People oohed and aahed over them at my baby shower and talked about how they were just the cutest little things they'd ever seen. And they are precious. But can I just tell you that I never used them. Not even once. I always just held a wipe over the danger zone until I knew the coast was clear. And if I got caught off guard by a mid-change rainbow of yellow, I just flipped the front of the diaper over their little front sides as fast as I could. There was no way that those teepees could have lessened the damage.
I guess what I'm saying is, if you get some at a shower, let everybody ooh and aah and swoon over them. But I definitely wouldn't register for them. You can certainly do without.

September 24, 2012
September 17, 2012
Un-Green Thumb
I have whatever the opposite of a green thumb is. So, I guess a black thumb? Plants come to my house to die. The only plant I've successfully kept alive is this one:
It's some type of grass that is supposed to keep bugs away. I forget to water it for days on end, but it hasn't given up on me. In fact, it's getting a little out of control and bigger than I thought it would. None of my "gardening" ever goes as planned. And please notice that it's next to an empty pot. That wasn't always empty (R.I.P. pretty orange Geranium). I'm coming to the realization that the only living things that can survive in my house are the ones that can walk up to me and demand a hot dog.
I love plants, though, and am always wanting to try again. And again. I saw this glass terranium on sale at Urban Outfitters and just lit up with excitement at the thought of having it in my kitchen and growing some parsley in it, or something.
I'm pretty conflicted about actually getting it, though. It's not that expensive, but I just don't know if I can take the possibility of any more gardening failure. Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if the plants at the store grew legs and ran away from me the next time I went to buy them. I'm sure they've heard it's a plant cemetery around here.
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