Well, back on track, this post is titled "Shoes" because Laney absolutely loves her shoe collection. And since we've had lots of time at home together due to these wonderful snow days, we've had the opportunity to see just how much she loves them. Laney has been doing this thing where she finds all her shoes in random places (they're never actually in her closet), brings them to us, and has us put them on her. Again and again and again. We do this probably a good 15 times a day. She hates not wearing shoes. She doesn't even like it when I take MY shoes off. Silly silly girl.
In this particular shoe-changing instance, Laney was still wearing her footy pajamas and Daddy wasn't able to put the shoes on her that she had brought him. So they got a little creative. (Notice how red and swollen her eyes are. Poor sick baby girl!)
There's a smile!
Laney has a lot of shoes to choose from. Here are all of her Uggs. It's a good thing we have a very wonderful Mama C who believes in shoes, as well. And I even think there is a missing pair of Uggs somewhere that didn't make this photo shoot (can you believe that?).
I'm sure people think that Laney doesn't own any shoes other than Uggs because she wears them literally everyday. My question is, what shoes will I put on her when winter is over? Is there life after Uggs? I'm a little scared. Uggs are just so easy.
We do have some other shoes that make many in-home appearances. Some that squeak, some that sparkle, some that are missing parts, and some that have a very wonderful college logo on them (whoop).
I guess you can say Laney gets her shoe-craziness honestly. I love shoes, too. I'm not as good at evenly distributing the love to all my shoes, though. I buy these high heels, wear them once or twice, then they never leave the closet again. Because given the choice, I'll wear my tried and true flats 10 times out of 10, regardless of if the heels would have been cuter. So go ahead, convince me that I don't need these:

Because I've already been looking online and want them. Can you imagine me walking around in these shoes pregnant! No. Please don't imagine that. At least for the next 4 months, I'll hold off on buying more heels that will go unused.
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