January 26, 2014

Class Christmas Gifts

We got crafty this year and, with the help of those under-utilized Pinterest boards I've been amassing, made some little Christmas gifts for the kids to give their classmates. Actually, I made them. Ha. It always sounds like a great idea to have the kids "help," but it never works out as well as you'd hope. I let Laney "help" me make the play-doh for this gift last year and we ended up with some fingers that looked like this (she's still terrified of the stove!). I. felt. so. bad.

So, this year, I did it all during nap time and it went off without a hitch. Laney gave her friends gingerbread scented play-doh with a cookie cutter for playing. It was super cute! We also made a huge batch for us to play with over the holidays and the kids absolutely loved it.

Parker gave his friends "Reindeer Antlers" and Brooks gave his friends "Reindeer Noses." I seasoned some tiny pretzels for antlers and used whoppers and a cherry drop for the nose. They got such a kick out of them and were so excited to carry them into MDO. I hope they still like my little home-made gifts as much when I'm trying to make them for their 16-year-old friends! HA!