Verdict: It's a must-have. And get a nice one!
A humidifier is another thing that I didn't register for but quickly found out was a necessity. It didn't even come to mind when I made my checklist of "Things for Baby" and checked it twice in those final days before my first baby's arrival. Since she made her debut in late October, it was only a few weeks before her first cold. Baby colds are the WORST! They not only feel terrible and have no idea why, but can't even blow all the snot out of their little noses. And as much as you want to give them some magic medicine to make it all better right then and there, the "perscription" is always the same: Use a nasal aspirator to suck out the junk; Elevate baby's head for sleeping; Use saline drops in the nose; Run a cool mist humidifier.
Since we didn't already have a humidifier (totally should have registered for one), I did what every parent recently hit with the reality of massive new baby expenses would do. I ran to Walgreens and bought the cheapest one I could find. HUGE mistake! It covered the entire room with "white dust" every time we ran it (which was basically all winter long). I got to be best friends with my Swiffer Duster quick and in a hurry!
When the NEXT cold season came around, my mother-in-law sweetly offered to let us have this better humidifier by Bionaire that she had purchased. It works wonderfully and leaves no dust at all. It also serves as a noise machine. The twins got so addicted to the sound that we now run it every time they sleep. Maybe this will help ward off the colds this fall (fingers crossed).