I've just been feeling sorry for myself (my huge, uncomfortable self) and letting myself get away with not doing the things I know I need to be doing. The lap top barely fits on my lap anymore (true story), so I have been avoiding it altogether. It's amazing how much you can do on an iPhone. Blogging, though, is unfortunately not one of those things.
I missed taking a picture of week 34 (tisk tisk), so here's the week 35 tummy picture:
To me, it looks just like the week 30 picture. And I KNOW I've gotten a lot bigger since then! Maybe it just feels that way. Or maybe it means that these baby boys have been growing "in" to my ribs and organs rather than "out." No wonder I'm grouchy and horrible to be around. Poor Marshall.
But there's good news! I went to the doctor yesterday and he scheduled me to be induced this coming Monday at 6:00 in the morning. Only 3 more days of pregnancy! I will be exactly 37 weeks along on that day. I know there are different schools of thought on the appropriateness of inducing labor, especially with twins, but I'm very on-board with this decision and am very excited to meet these boys!
Please keep us in your prayers through the weekend and especially on Monday. We pray for a short, successful, healthy delivery. We also pray that the babies' lungs are fully developed at this point and that they will be healthy and able to come home with us immediately. How blessed are we that we have gotten far enough along to be able to hope for those kinds of results with a twin pregnancy?!
I also pray that we have some clothes that will fit them. Ha. At the last ultrasound, they were measuring 7 lbs. 2 ounces and 6 lbs. 13 ounces. If they get much bigger than that, we can forget all those preemie clothes we bought with expectations of tiny babies!