October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Butts

Happy Halloween from our precious pumpkins!

Who needs creativity now that we have Pinterest? 
Idea credit here.

October 28, 2011

She's 2!

Happy birthday, Miss Laney Bug! May your day be as special & wonderful as you are. You are so loved.

October 25, 2011

Bug is Almost 2

I've been so bad about taking pictures. And worse about blogging. I'm to the point of just throwing some pictures of Laney out there so you can see what she even looks like. She is turning 2 this Friday. I feel like I say, "I can't believe so much time has already passed" all the time. But...two years old? Are you serious?

Just yesterday, the twins were about to be born and I was waddling down the driveway after Laney to get this picture of her when she was 19 months old:

Now, she looks like this:

Why didn't anybody tell me that they grew up THIS fast?

"The Boys"

P & B are growing so fast I can hardly believe it. They're already 4 and a half months old. Cooing, laughing, and holding those heads up are among their many "tricks." Brooks is even rolling over (and shows off to Parker quite a bit). It's so nice that Brooks is not the least bit behind Parker because it eases our minds and lets us know that the time he spent in the NICU didn't phase him developmentally. If anything, Parker is a little lazier about making those milestones. It could just be that Parker is two pounds heavier, though. I mean, that's 2 whole more pounds to get rolled over! Quite a job...haha.

Just like I knew I would end up doing, I refer to them as "the boys" all the time. I know they'll probably hate that, but there's just no getting around it. Hopefully they will forgive me over the years for all the times I make them dress alike, call them by each other's names, and refer to them collectively. I mean well.

In all seriousness, though, my boys are so very different already. It's crazy.

Brooks weighed in at 14 pounds 11 ounces at the last appointment. He is so STRONG. He squirms all day, can't stop rolling over, and literally looks like he's trying to do "the worm" most of the time. We call him "Brooksie String Bean" because he seems so skinny to us (compared to Parker and Laney). Nothing gets past him. He's alert and aware and always on-the-go. He's been out shopping with me several times because he's always the one who is awake when I head out. I don't know if it was his stay in the hospital that toughened him up or if it's just his personality, but he's rough and tumble. Brooks has always been our fighter. And he likes to save his smiles for Mommy & Daddy, which makes us feel special.

Parker is such a sweetie. He's a big teddy bear. And he seems HUGE. Weighing in at 16 pounds 11 ounces at the last appointment, he dwarfs Brooks in baby chubbiness. We lovingly call him "Chunky Parker Man." He's in no hurry to roll over, sit up, or do anything for that matter. He's perfectly happy just sitting back and taking it all in. His personality is sensitive and he'll break into a smile for anyone who simply looks at him. Pure sweetness. People eat him up because of his smiley-ness and CHUB.

Neither of the boys are consistently sleeping through the night, yet. Laney slept through the night from about 3 weeks old, so this is new to us. Our schedule usually looks something like this: hope to be in bed by 9 pm; each of us wakes up with a baby once during the night to feed; we both wake up for good by around 4:45 or 5 am. It's not awful, but it's crazy to me that this has become "normal" to us. For two people that love sleep so much, we don't get very much of it at all. I keep reminding myself that this won't last forever. The boys keep us up during the night, but have no problem going to sleep once we're up and taking our morning showers, of course. :) Here's a picture I snuck of them the other morning while getting ready for the day. Both conked out. Why, again, can't they do this during the night?

And just like it always has been with Laney, bath time is special. We usually don't bathe the boys at the same time. We do more of a tag team approach. When we do bathe them together, one has to sit in the pink hand-me-down bath seat. I try to make them switch off. Ha. As you can see in this picture, they are almost acknowledging that each other are there. I cannot wait for them to really start interacting. It won't be long at all! It's going to be so neat. I can't believe I get to experience these two miracles and all the neat "twin" things that come with them.

I. Love. Them. So. Much.

October 8, 2011

Our GiGi

Marshall's sweet grandmother, Gaye Morris Griffith, passed away at 72 years old last week unexpectedly after suffering from a short illness. She had become a huge part of our lives over the past 2 years. We looked forward to our weekly dinners with her and her husband James. I grew really close with her this past summer when she spent most of her time with me at my house helping take care of the boys. She was a twin herself, so she had a special place in her heart for them. All three of my kids absolutely loved her and I had grown to adore her, as well. She kept up with my blog all the time, so I wanted to remember her on here. Our hearts are aching from this sudden loss, but we are glad she did not suffer long. GiGi, we'll miss you always and remember you often. You mean the world to us.

September 16, 2011

Chopped Steak & Mushroom Onion Gravy

To the surprise of, well, everybody in my life, I've become really interested in cooking. It was a standing joke with my family when I was growing up that I couldn't even make mac-n-cheese. Like the type you just heat up in the microwave. So Marshall had absolutely NO expectation of me being very handy in the kitchen going into our marriage. The only things I knew how to cook were Hamburger Helper and spaghetti. In fact, the majority of our fights arguments during the first year started something like this:

Marsh: What do you want to do for dinner?

Me: Let's just go pick something up.

Marsh: But we just went to the grocery store. And we really need to stop spending so much money on fast food. I'll make us some grilled cheese sandwiches.

Me: I don't want to wait that long to eat. Or have all those dishes to do. I want Wendy's.

Marsh: We had Wendy's last night. And McDonald's the night before. And Sonic the night before that.

You get the idea. Needless to say, he has been pleasantly surprised and a little confused with my new cooking obsession. I think it started when I was on maternity leave. I watched a lot of Food Network all day and wanted to cook everything I saw. Also, cooking has become one of those soothing activities that I've grown to love. It's very motherly and just feels right.

I've been on the hunt lately for good, easy dishes that will feed my growing family. Cooking for two seems pointless, but soon enough, I'm going to have a party of five at my dinner table nightly. I mean, I already do, but 2 of them just drink bottles and one of them eats like a bird because she's two-years-old. You know what I mean, though.

Here's something I recently saw on Food Network's "Down Home with the Neely's." Those two absolutely KILL ME, but everything they make looks absolutely delicious! I tried this and it was a big hit at our house. Marshall loved it and Laney even ate it. She kept saying, "More chicken!" Ha. I'll definitely be making this again. The only substitution I made was red wine instead of brandy in the gravy.

Chopped Steak & Mushroom Onion Gravy




  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 8 ounces crimini mushrooms, cleaned well and quartered
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped thyme leaves
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup brandy
  • 2 cups low-sodium beef stock


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine the ground beef, egg, Worcestershire, shallots, garlic, parsley, ground mustard, bread crumbs, flour, and salt and pepper, to taste, in a large bowl. Shape the mixture into 6 equal-sized oval patties and set aside on a plate.
Heat a large frying pan over medium heat and add the canola oil and butter. When the butter foams add the patties and brown, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Transfer the patties to a 13 by 9-inch baking dish. Drain all of the fat from the pan but leave any browned bits.
Return the pan to medium heat and melt the butter for the gravy. Add the mushrooms, onion, and thyme and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Cook, stirring rarely, until the mushrooms are slightly browned and soft, about 4 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and mix until fully incorporated. Stir occasionally, until the flour is lightly toasted, about 3 minutes. Add the brandy and stir, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Slowly pour in the stock and stir until smooth. Let the mixture come to a boil and cook until sauce is reduced and thickened, about 8 minutes.
Taste and add salt and freshly ground black pepper, if needed. Lots of pepper is good in this dish! Pour the sauce over the patties in the baking dish and cover with aluminum foil. Bake until the meat is tender and slightly pink in the middle, about 20 minutes. Remove the dish from the oven and serve.

September 5, 2011

Summer in Photos

What a summer it's been for Miss Laney. Got two cute new brothers, got her first haircut, wore her hair in a REAL pony tail, started gymnastics, swam in her hippo pool, and got dressed up a few times. Here are some pictures to prove that this girl is almost ALWAYS on the move!

Geometry with Mrs. Morris

Well hello! I thought I would check in and update as I’m finally settling into the 2nd week of the new school year. The past month has been a whirlwind. With Marshall being out of town on business for 2 weeks, the boys starting school with Laney, and me going back to work, we’ve all been doing our best to stay positive and sane while making many adjustments. It’s times like these that make me sure I wouldn’t be able to do this without our wonderful families around. Actually, I take that back. Marsh and I could definitely do it on our own…we just wouldn’t have time to brush our teeth, shower, or eat any meals other than Laney’s left-over mac-n-cheese. Ha.

Despite the fact that it’s still 107 degrees outside, summer is drawing to a close and the school year’s arrival promises that cool fall breezes are on their way. It’s such a bittersweet time for me. I constantly struggle with my decision to go back to work. I’m ready to go back and not ready all at the same time. I feel excited and guilty. I’m sure and I’m unsure. Regardless of my inner struggle, though, one thing is certain – I love my children AND I love teaching.

I laugh when I tell people that I have the 2 hardest jobs in the world – mother and teacher. And neither of them pay well (monetarily, at least). I consider them the hardest because I’m certain they’re the most important jobs in the world. Who else has the lives of children more moldably in her hands than a mother or teacher? And that’s kind of scary to me. It means that if I’m not doing my absolute best at all times from when I wake to when I fall sleep, I’m letting my child down. Or I’m letting someone else’s child down. Or I’m letting a chance to change the world slip away. It’s a heavy burden to carry. And it’s wonderful and exhausting all at the same time. My situation always reminds of what my mom says about motherhood – “A lot of times you go to bed feeling like a failure.” I feel like this a lot. Because no matter how good I feel like I do, it’s not good enough for our children.

As I begin my third year teaching (I can’t believe it’s already my THIRD year!), I feel the weight of what I’m doing more than ever. I think I feel it the most this year because I’m knee-deep in motherhood and am already thinking about the kind of teacher I pray for MY kids to have. And I realize that I’m not that teacher. I’m not good enough. I’m not patient enough. I’m not loving enough. I’m called to love my students the way that I want my children’s teachers to love them. And this year I’m going to remind myself of that every morning. Isn’t it wonderful that I have the chance to have a fresh start each year in my career? I’m so thankful for that!


I found this print on Pinterest (my new addiction) and want to put it on my desk at school. That way, even when I’m tired and cranky from a sleepless night of feeding babies, it will be there staring at me and reminding me to be loving. It will remind me to think about how hard it is to be in high school. I forget that sometimes. And when I’m getting frustrated because my students don’t care about Geometry and aren’t going to ace the TAKS test, it will remind me that there are more important things I teach than math. And it will remind me that if I make them FEEL loved, I can sleep peacefully at night.

August 8, 2011

Life times Three

The first question I get when I see people these days is, "How are y'all doing?!" Well, I'm happy to report that we're totally making it! And with much less help than I thought we'd need. These THREE are definitely keeping us busy, though.

Now that our hands are tied up with the babies a lot, Laney makes our spaghetti dinner nights look a lot more like this...

And our living room look a lot more like this (those are Goldfish)....

But we can't complain! I'm trying to remind myself to cherish these crazy days and not wish them away. Because things can't get much better than this. Our house is full of love, laughter, and life. Sure, there are many messes, crying babies, and terrible two's tantrums. But mostly there is LOVE. :)

July 31, 2011

Big Sister's Big Girl Room

I decorated a "big girl" room for Laney back when I was still pregnant with the boys, but never posted pictures because it quickly became the catch-all room once we brought home all the gifts from our wonderful baby shower and shoved most of them in there. Now that the dust has settled and most of those gifts are being used, I decided it was time to clean out the room and get it ready for Laney to start sleeping there. We haven't made the move in there quite yet. I'm scared to try. She just still seems too little to sleep in such a big girl bed! And I feel like we've turned her world up-side-down enough for the moment with these new brothers. I'm thinking we'll try it out in a few weeks and see how it goes (crossed fingers).

I knew I wanted to decorate her room in a shabby chic style but still make it feel like a kid's room. The start was slow because I'd never decorated anything in this style before. Once I got going, though, I loved how it came together. A lot of special things I already had went great it there, which was fun. The funny thing is that I spent so much time trying to make this room perfect for Laney and she'll probably say, "I want a Barney room" as soon as she can put a sentence together. Good thing I got this done before she could make any hideous requests- ha. It might not be so easy next time. Here it is!

The stuffed animals are some of my Boyds Bears that I collected as a little girl. And the Feltman Brothers dress above the bed is what Laney came home from the hospital in.

This old window was a gift from my sister and was used to decorate my house in college as well as our first apartment.

This picture was made for me by my grandmother and was hung in my first bedroom.

On the nightstand is my Mimi's Waterford crystal lamp. I was a little unsure about putting it in a toddler's room. It just looked perfect in there, though. I may not leave it in there very long. We'll see how Laney does with it!

July 8, 2011

Family Photo Faux Pas

I love pictures. Love them. And I'm not the best at taking them myself. Luckily, we have an amazing photographer, Tammy Marcelain, that has become very special to our family and captures most of our "big moments" for us. We found her while searching for somebody to take our engagement and wedding  photos, and after she did, we were hooked. I'll know I've arrived when I can afford to have her follow my family around and photograph ALL our special moments (still holding my breath for that one).

As you can imagine, I've been looking forward to our first set of full family photos since the day I found out I was pregnant with our twins. I couldn't wait for that perfect picture of our complete little family of five. What I didn't expect was the SHEER CHAOS that goes with trying to photograph three children all under the age of two. I mean, I should have known. I did already have one photograchically-uncooperative child by that time. But I didn't. Here's a little how it went: The twins were either sleeping or awake, but never at the same time. Brooks pooped all over his precious little diaper cover at the very beginning of the shoot. Parker peed on both my mom and Marshall at different times. Laney was having NO PART of cooperating for any picture to be taken of her. Instead she was crying and running around messing her hair up like a crazy girl. The temperature in the house was nearly 100 degree. And every adult in that room was in need of a VERY stiff drink. Tammy, though, was so incredibly patient with us and shot all sorts of pictures (and re-shot them when they didn't work out the first time) for over 3 hours! She got some really great ones. I am so pleased! If you want to see the great ones, go to her website by clicking here. If you want to see the out-takes, read on.

Many thanks to my sassy and stubborn sweet little angel-face Laney, we didn't get that perfect family photo. But we did get some pretty funny ones that are just priceless and probably better than a perfect one anyway. Here is my favorite one:

Parker is sleeping and Brooks is screaming. Laney somehow doesn't look like she was being the absolute toot she was being. Marshall is looking down and wishing he were anywhere else in the world. And I'm smiling this totally embarrassed and uncomfortable smile that only a mom can understand. IT'S PERFECT!

Here are some of the other ones that I love that didn't make the cut. Enjoy!