I've known about my pregnancy for about 6 weeks, now, and I have been DYING to write about it on my blog. I decided, though, to postpone my "We're pregnant again!" post until after our first appointment and sonogram. I just wanted to make sure that I really was pregnant and that the doctor thought everything looked good.
So, I've been planning this surprise announcement blog post in my head for weeks, now. None of what I planned to say will probably be said in this post, though, because Marshall and I had our
own big surprise at our first appointment yesterday. WE'RE HAVING TWINS!
It's been over 24 hours since the appointment and I am still in shock! I'd never thought about wanting twins before or honestly ever even thought about it as a possibility for myself. Ever since I was a child, I have pictured myself having 2 children total (and from separate pregnancies). Marshall says that the possibility of having twins never crossed his mind, either. So you can imagine our surprise and laughter when those two sweet babies (or fetuses, should I more properly say) popped up on our sonogram!

I think this was God's way of saying, "Melanie, you will not plan out your life. I will. So stop trying to!" And I'm so thankful that He reminded me of this. I have been thinking of our family plan, counting months, and deciding on the right time to have our second child for a while now. I had already picked out a boy name and girl name so that I would be ready for when we found out the gender of our second child. I had thought way into the future about many things and how I could control those things. Not that thinking ahead is bad, but this definitely reminds me to not get too caught up in the way I picture my life going because I don't have a whole lot to do with how it actually turns out!
Now for the facts and information from the appointment:
-Doc says he is almost certain that they are
identical twins from the way they are positioned in utero. I have an idea of what he is talking about, but am not sure of the correct terminology, so I'll just leave it at that.
-If they are identical, this will mean that they are either both boys or both girls. So we're not expecting one of each.
-Identical twins do not run in families. They are random happenings. From what I've read on the internet, nobody is quite sure what causes identical twinning. This was surprising to us. Marshall's grandmother Gaye is a twin, but obviously not the cause of our twins.
-Our little ones are both currently measuring the size that they should for me being 10 weeks 3 days along in my pregnancy. Doc also said that he is very happy and relieved that they are the SAME size (though it doesn't look like it in this particular sonogram picture). I guess one of these bambinos is closer to the sonogram wand than the other one, causing a distorted view of size. So, as of now, they look like promising sharers. :)
-This is a "high risk pregnancy" simply because there are multiples. Doc says he is always worried about a momma needing bed rest and going into pre-term labor with twins.
-I will most likely be induced into labor at 37 weeks if they have not arrived by then. (Side Note: Laney was induced at 39 weeks. That's only 1 week before due date.). My actual 40-week "due date" that most likely will not be reached is June 27th.
-My next appointment is December 27th. The appointment after that is February 15th. At the February appointment, we will find out if we're having baby boys or baby girls!
Well, there's our stunning news for the century! We have gotten so very excited about these babies and cannot wait for them to arrive. We've already been telling Laney about them and assuring her what a GREAT big sister she will be! Please keep us in your prayers. We are begging for a healthly, full-term pregnancy and guidance in our great new journey. How special to be picked for this incredible, overwhelming, wonderful, yet terrifying adventure. We are blessed. And quite thankful.