Saturday, our friends Andrea and Mark came over for dinner and brought their 4-year-old daughter, Albany. I can describe her perfectly with one word- busy! Our baby schedule was far too boring for Miss Albany, as Laney fell fast asleep 20 minutes after their arrival and left Albany to entertain herself. She did so quite well by chasing our poor white kitty cat Penny around all evening. Though she tried, Penny never could quite seem to evade Albany's awkward grasp for very long. As we were all finishing our pork tenderloin and twice-baked potato casserole, Albany came in and announced that the "party" would begin in 5 minutes. So, we headed into the other room for the party, which basically consisted of sitting on the floor that Albany had lined with every baby blanket we own and watching her dance. And we all had to wear bows, too, of course. It was fun for me to watch Marshall, who has never been around little girls, participate in this "party." I know he was thinking about all the years of fun "parties" that Laney will have in store for him! I bet he never thought he'd be such a lucky guy.
Albany hanging out with Laney (who was asleep haha):
The "party." Please look at Marshall's expression:
Andrea is expecting her second daughter, who will be in Laney's grade. We're already making friends for Laney. Who cares is they aren't even born yet!
Sunday, we took our weekly drive around Abilene and ran some errands to get ready for the week. We took a walk, which Laney enjoyed for a mere 15 minutes. Her smiles absolutely make my life worth living.
We then decided that it was high time we started the process of feeding Laney solids. We've been looking forward to this! So we pulled out the cute baby dishes that we got at our shower and set the stage for the show. Laney was a little unsure about this whole experience. She actually only "ate" about a bite of rice cereal. The vast majority of the food was spit out and dribbled down her chin. Surely it wasn't because she was distracted by the two cameras that were in her face, right? Well, good thing there were cameras in her face, because now I can show you the precious pictures. Bon appetit, Laney!
Fortunately, we remembered the bib at the last second.
She is sure that we are crazy.
Looks like this is the beginning of the end of me as a neat-freak.